What to do if someone threatens you, assaults you?

When someone threatens you, you may feel scared and stressed. It is important to know how to respond to threats and how to protect yourself. Learning about the steps you can take, how to report threats and get help may come in handy one day.
Types of threats
- A threat is when someone says or shows how to harm you or your property. These may include physical or emotional harm, damage to your belongings, insults, attempts to intimidate you or abuse. There are different types of threats and ways to respond to them.
- In-person threat happens when someone near you shows they want to cause harm.
- Phoned threat is made on a call. Sometimes threats made over the phone can be “prank calls”. This is when someone is joking and the threat is not real. It is often best to treat it as real if you are unsure.
- Electronic message threat is typically received through text message, social media, or email.
- Hate crimes are threats that have to do with your race, religion, national origin, or other identities.
How to respond to a threat
What you should do depends on the type of threat and how serious the threat is.
If you are being threatened in person:
- Your safety is most important. Quickly look around and find a safe place to go. This could be a busy place with lots of people or a place you can hide.
- Stay calm. Avoid making eye contact or talking to the person threatening you. Keep neutral body language and run or back away quickly.
- Call 119 for immediate help. v Ask for help from people that may be around you.
- Keep your phone on silent while hiding. but Pay attention to the phone.
- Try to note details about the event. Take photos or videos if it is safe to do so or ask someone near you to. If you do not know the person threatening you, look for things to help identify the person such as their age, sex, race, height, weight, hair and eye color, clothing, and anything else that stands out.
- Fight back only as a last resort when your life is in immediate danger.
- Report the threat to law enforcement.
If you are being threatened over the phone or by a message:
- Stay calm and don’t hang up the phone. Try to get more information about the person threatening you. Ask questions to help you know if the threat is real.
- Do not respond to messages, social media posts, or emails.
- Save information. Keep messages and note a phone number or email address. Take a screenshot of threats on social media. Record a phone call if possible or note what was specifically said.
- Report the threat to law enforcement.
After experiencing a threat, try to find emotional support. Talk to a trusted family member, friend, community group, or a mental health provider
If you see someone being the victim of a threat:
- If you are safe, talk to the bully or record the incident.
- Call 119 if the victim of the threat is in immediate danger.
- Talk to the victim. Offer to help and ask how you can help them. Listen to their wishes before taking any action.
- Offer to leave with the victim.
- Stay with the victim if they need further support after the threat.
Always try to report a threat. It will be your social service to stop such crimes.
Source: Women In Need